Our projects
Energy consultant for Marampa Mines Limited (MML)

5kva solar installations for various residential household across Sierra Leone.

80kva hybrid solar installation for SEND Sierra Leone

Commercial solar installation: NP station kailahun, seacoach express, Corner spot Bo, environmental protection agency.

Rural initiative: solar installations at mamuto mini grid SLBC kailahun, radio moa, government secondary school, Koyeima Bo.

Trained 200 stem girls on solar installations and maintenance

180kva solar installation for oxygen generation plant for Bo government hospital- already awarded by UNICEF

180kva solar installation for oxygen generation plant for Kenema government hospital- already awarded by UNICEF

110kva hybrid solar installations for 12 hospitals across Sierra Leone including remote rural locations. Unicef awarded project together with our German partners

Empowering communities with renewable energy solutions.
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